japanese air craft carrier

japanese air craft carrier

Japanese Aircraft Carriers: The Past, Present, and Future of Japan’s Naval Aviation

History of Japanese Aircraft Carriers

Early Development

Japan’s first aircraft carrier, the Hosho, was commissioned in 1922. It was a converted battlecruiser that carried a small number of aircraft. In the 1930s, Japan built a series of larger and more powerful aircraft carriers, including the Akagi, Kaga, and Soryu. These ships played a vital role in Japan’s victory in the Pacific War during World War II.

World War II

During World War II, Japanese aircraft carriers were used to launch devastating attacks against Allied targets in the Pacific. The most famous of these attacks was the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Japanese aircraft carriers also played a major role in the Battle of Midway, which was a turning point in the war.

Post-World War II

After World War II, Japan was forbidden from operating aircraft carriers. However, in 1954, Japan was allowed to operate helicopter carriers. In 1981, Japan commissioned its first postwar aircraft carrier, the Kurama. The Kurama was followed by the Shirane and the Hyuga. These ships are used to provide air support for Japan’s Self-Defense Forces.

Modern Japanese Aircraft Carriers

Izumo-class Destroyers

The Izumo-class destroyers are Japan’s newest and most powerful aircraft carriers. The two ships in the class, the Izumo and the Kaga, were commissioned in 2015 and 2016, respectively. The Izumo-class destroyers are larger than Japan’s previous aircraft carriers and can carry a greater number of aircraft. They are also equipped with more advanced weapons and sensors.

Future of Japanese Aircraft Carriers

Japan is currently planning to build two new aircraft carriers, the F-35B and the F-35C. The F-35B is a stealth fighter that is capable of short takeoffs and vertical landings. The F-35C is a carrier-based fighter that is designed to replace the F/A-18 Hornet. These new aircraft carriers will significantly enhance Japan’s naval capabilities and will allow it to project power further into the Pacific region.

Innovations in Japanese Aircraft Carrier Design

Stealth Technology

The F-35B and F-35C fighters that will be deployed on Japan’s new aircraft carriers are equipped with stealth technology, which makes them difficult to detect by radar. This will give Japan a significant advantage in combat, as it will be able to launch attacks from a greater distance without being detected.

Integrated Air Defense System

Japan’s new aircraft carriers will be equipped with an integrated air defense system that will allow them to track and engage incoming threats from multiple directions. This system will help to protect the aircraft carriers and their crews from attack.

Table of Japanese Aircraft Carriers

Name Class Displacement (tons) Length (meters) Beam (meters) Draft (meters) Speed (knots) Aircraft Capacity Commissioned Decommissioned
Hosho Hosho 7,470 165.2 22.3 6.2 25 20 1922 1944
Akagi Akagi 26,900 261.3 31.3 8.6 31.5 91 1927 1942
Kaga Kaga 26,900 261.3 31.3 8.6 31.5 91 1928 1942
Soryu Soryu 15,900 227.5 21.3 7.4 34.5 70 1937 1942
Hiryu Hiryu 17,200 227.5 21.3 7.4 34.5 70 1939 1942
Shokaku Shokaku 25,675 257.5 29.0 8.8 33.5 84 1941 1944
Zuikaku Zuikaku 25,675 257.5 29.0 8.8 33.5 84 1941 1944
Taiho Taiho 29,330 260.5 38.9 9.4 33.0 90 1944 1944
Shinano Shinano 64,750 293.1 30.8 9.4 28.0 47 1944 1944
Izumo Izumo 27,000 248.0 38.0 8.2 31.5 14 2015
Kaga Kaga 27,000 248.0 38.0 8.2 31.5 14 2016


Japan’s aircraft carriers have played a vital role in the country’s military history. From the attack on Pearl Harbor to the Battle of Midway, Japanese aircraft carriers have been used to project power and defend Japan’s interests. Today, Japan’s aircraft carriers are among the most advanced in the world. They are equipped with the latest technology and are capable of carrying a wide range of aircraft. As Japan faces new challenges in the 21st century, its aircraft carriers will continue to play an important role in ensuring the country’s security.

Interested in other topics? Check out these other articles:

  • [The History of the United States Navy](link to article)
  • [The Future of Naval Warfare](link to article)
  • [The Top 10 Aircraft Carriers in the World](link to article)

FAQ about Japanese Aircraft Carriers

1. What was the first Japanese aircraft carrier?

  • Hōshō

2. How many aircraft carriers did Japan have during WWII?

  • 23

3. What was the most famous Japanese aircraft carrier?

  • Akagi

4. What were the main types of Japanese aircraft carriers?

  • Fleet carriers (Shōkaku class, Hiryū class, etc.)
  • Light carriers (Zuihō class, Shōhō class, etc.)
  • Escort carriers (Taiyō class, Unryū class, etc.)

5. What was the role of aircraft carriers in the Japanese Navy?

  • To provide air support for fleet operations, including attacking enemy ships, submarines, and aircraft.

6. What were the strengths and weaknesses of Japanese aircraft carriers?

  • Strengths: High-quality aircraft, skilled pilots, effective tactics
  • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to air attacks, relatively small air wings

7. What were the key battles involving Japanese aircraft carriers?

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of the Coral Sea
  • Battle of Midway
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

8. How did Japanese aircraft carriers contribute to Japan’s success in the early stages of WWII?

  • They enabled Japan to launch surprise attacks and achieve significant victories, such as at Pearl Harbor.

9. How did US submarines damage Japan’s aircraft carrier fleet?

  • US submarines sank or damaged many Japanese aircraft carriers, contributing to Japan’s eventual defeat.

10. What happened to the Japanese aircraft carriers after WWII?

  • Most were sunk or scrapped, while a few were used as targets or for training purposes.
