How to Craft a Map in Minecraft: A Comprehensive Guide

[Image of a map in Minecraft] how to craft map minecraft


Hey there, readers! Welcome to our exhaustive guide on crafting maps in Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer navigating the vast wilderness or a novice builder embarking on your first grand project, this guide has got you covered. Let’s dive right in and unravel the secrets of map crafting!

Minecraft is a game of endless possibilities, and one of the most essential tools for exploration and navigation is the humble map. This handy item allows you to track your journey, mark important landmarks, and plan your adventures with precision. So, let’s get started on crafting our own maps and unlocking the secrets of the Minecraft world!

Gathering the Materials

Before we delve into the crafting process, it’s imperative to gather the necessary materials. Crafting a map in Minecraft requires just three simple items:


  • Paper is the foundation of any map, providing the surface on which your cartographic endeavors will take shape. To craft paper, gather three pieces of sugar cane and place them horizontally in a crafting grid.


  • A compass is indispensable for orienting your map and determining its directionality. To craft a compass, combine four iron ingots in the shape of a square, leaving the center empty.

Crafting Table

  • The crafting table is the essential workbench upon which you’ll assemble your map. You can craft a crafting table by placing four wooden planks in a square formation.

Crafting the Map

Step 1: Place the Paper

  • In the crafting grid, place a piece of paper in the center square. This will form the base of your map.

Step 2: Surround with Compass

  • Place the compass directly above the paper, occupying the square immediately above it. The compass will serve as the orientation point for your map.

Step 3: Fill Remaining Squares with Paper

  • Fill the empty squares surrounding the compass with eight additional pieces of paper. This will complete the basic structure of your map.

Step 4: Click and Drag

  • Click and drag your completed map from the crafting grid into your inventory. The map will now be ready for use.

Using Your Map

Activating the Map

  • To activate the map, simply hold it in your hand. The map will automatically display the surrounding area, centered on your current location.


  • You can zoom in or out of the map by using the mouse wheel or pinching and spreading on a touchscreen device.

Marking Waypoints

  • To mark a waypoint on your map, simply right-click or tap on the desired location. A banner will appear, allowing you to name and customize your waypoint.

Creating a Map Wall

  • If you’re exploring a vast area, you can create a map wall by combining multiple maps in a crafting grid. This will create a larger, more comprehensive map that covers a wider expanse of territory.

Table of Map Crafting Materials and Durability

Material Amount Durability
Paper 9 Indefinite
Compass 1 Indefinite
Crafting Table 1 Indefinite
Ink Sac (for Coloring Map) Optional Indefinite


Congratulations, readers! You’ve now mastered the art of map crafting in Minecraft. With your newfound knowledge, you can navigate the vast and enigmatic world of Minecraft with ease, marking your discoveries and charting your adventures. Remember to check out our other articles for more tips and tricks to enhance your Minecraft experience. Happy crafting, and may your explorations be fruitful!

FAQ about Crafting Maps in Minecraft

What are the materials needed to craft a map?

  • 8 Paper
  • 1 Compass

How do I make paper in Minecraft?

  • Craft paper by placing 3 Sugar Canes vertically on the Crafting Table.

How do I get a compass in Minecraft?

  • Craft a compass by placing 4 Iron Ingots in a diamond shape on the Crafting Table, with a Redstone Dust in the center.

How do I craft a map?

  • Place the paper and compass in a 3x3 Crafting Table in the following pattern:
   Paper Paper Paper
   Paper Compass Paper
   Paper Paper Paper

How do I use a map?

  • Hold the map in your hand and right-click.
  • The map will show the area around you, with you at the center.

How do I zoom in and out on a map?

  • Use the “+” and “-” keys on your keyboard to zoom in and out.

How do I mark locations on a map?

  • You can mark locations on a map by placing a Banner in the ground and right-clicking the map with the banner in hand.
  • The location will be marked on the map with the color of the banner.

How do I copy or duplicate a map?

  • Put the original map in an empty Cartography Table and then place a new piece of paper in the slot.
  • This will create a copy of the original map.

How do I add banners to maps?

  • Craft a Banner and right-click it on a Cartography Table.
  • This will add the banner pattern to the map.

How do I add a custom name to a map?

  • Place the map in an Anvil.
  • Enter a custom name in the text box and click “Rename”.
